Why Hello There! I’m Brekke and I want to help you live a vibrant, healthy, non-toxic lifestyle.

I would like to help you navigate the world of non-toxic living and provide you with easy, simple ways to start making “the switch” to safer and healthier ingredients. This would apply to personal care products, food + drinks, household items, baby gear, cleaners, and the list goes on. Based on my personal experience, the process is overwhelming and there is so much information out there. I want to help make it an easy breezy process for you!
I started my own journey about 10 years ago after being sucked in to an informercial for 100% Pure Cosmetics where they discussed hazardous ingredients in popular beauty products. This made me go huh?!?! I assumed products being sold in stores would be safe. This was shocking and I started researching what was in the products I use, the food I ate, the water I drank, the air I breathed. I discovered there are many health concerns tied to certain ingredients, especially over long-term use. I then made a conscious decision to start making baby steps towards living a more non-toxic lifestyle.
I want to save you time and wasted money by sharing what I’ve learned on my own journey with non-toxic living in hopes it will help you as well. I’ll share tips, tricks, tools, recommendations, and DIY recipes.
I am really good at researching, google is my best friend and I probably research things a bit too much where it drives me crazy. There are so many people that are experts in the field, so through the years I’ve become more wise by learning from them.
I love to learn and try new things and I will be doing healthy living challenges and will let you know how that goes, and hopefully figure out a way to have you join me in these challenges! Think hydration, no refined sugar, no social media, gratitude journaling, you get the jist.
Here are a few things about me!
- I love dark chocolate, I’m obsessed.
- I’m a personal development junkie, non-fiction is my jam.
- I get a euphoric feeling when I purchase new toxic-free makeup.
- I used to be very messy, and now I’m obsessed with wanting to keep things tidy.
- I’m constantly purging, and striving towards a minimalist lifestyle so my free time isn’t thinking about how I need to clean-up the house.
- I enjoy learning about finances.
- I love podcasts.
- I want to be a DJ
- I love being with my family, and have two little wonderful crumb snatchers.
- I L.O.V.E the outdoors, that is where I feel most content. The best day ever is going on a hike or hitting the slopes then heading to a brewery.
- I’ve done a fire walk. Evidentally I did not bring enough energy to the fire because the walk gave me blisters on my feet.
- I strive to live a healthy lifestyle, but find myself dedicating my energy to work and kids so I struggle trying to take care of myself. This blog will help my own journey, and will be a great adventure for me!
My ultimate dream is for everyone to be living their best life, and I hope to share topics that will help people on this journey. I hope you find something useful on this site, please leave comments so I can learn from you!
Cheers to the Journey!