5 Things I Want To Help You With

My blog exists to help people on their wellness journey start making the switch to non-toxic living. Here are 5 things I want to help you with, and what you can expect from my blog:

1. Improve your health and wellness by providing an easy, simple way to start making the switch to non-toxic products.

Once you realize you want to start using non-toxic products, making the switch can be overwhelming! I found there was so much information out there, so many products that I didn’t even know where to start. Here’s how I’ll simplify the process:

  • Help prioritize the areas of your life where you want to start making the switch.
  • Review how to go about it in a cost effective way
  • Provide you with the tools, tips, and tricks that have helped me on my journey to living a more non-toxic lifestyle

2. Save you time by researching the ways to live a more non-toxic lifestyle.

I LOVE to research, and probably spend too much time doing so where it kind of drives me insane, ha! I want to save you time by sharing what I’ve found regarding the topic of non-toxic living. If you are just starting to look in to this, you could spend hours trying to navigate everything. I’ll help guide you through all the information by sharing where you should make the switch, the ingredients you should avoid, the benefits of making the switch to cleaner products, and provide recommendations for high-performing products.

3. Recommend only the best products and save you money by providing DIY alternatives

The products I recommend are ones I use and stand behind. I would love to try every option available but that’s not affordable, and it’s a waste of resources. So in addition to my favorites I’ll also provide information on other options that people seem to like if I haven’t been able to try for myself.

I am someone that wants to save money, and loves the idea of using simple ingredients to create DIY options. I will provide you with high performing product recommendations and also experiment with DIY options and let you know what has worked, and not worked for me.   

4. Provide a list of ingredients to avoid

For each area of non-toxic living I will provide a list of ingredients to avoid and the reasoning behind it. In order to switch over to a cleaner products, reading labels will become second nature and will become a guide for what you decide to purhase or not. There are also apps out there that make this process even easier where they analyze the ingredients for you and rank the level of concern per ingredient so you can quickly decide if the product is an option for you or not.

5. Write a weekly blog post to help you on your health and wellness journey

About 10 years ago I got sucked in to an informercial for 100% Pure Cosmetics. The owner was talking about the concerning ingredients found in popular drugstore makeup brands, and I was shook! I had just assumed if a retailer was selling you a product that it wouldn’t cause harm however that is not the case due to lack of regulations. Once I saw that informercial I started changing my skin and makeup products, and then started looking at all of the different areas in my life that could be improved. I’m still learning and I’ll be writing a weekly blog to document my findings and help you on your journey. In addition to non-toxic living, I will also be creating healthy living challenges.


My goal for this blog is to help you live a healthier lifestyle by making small changes in your lifestyle and the products you purchase. I want to simplify the process and make it as easy as possible for you while saving you time and money since you wouldn’t waste it on poor performing products like I’ve done in the past. I’m still on my journey and learning as I go through things and I’ll be sharing what’s helped me along the way. I also want to learn from you, you will have information that I don’t know about so be sure to comment, or email at contact@kokomoglow.com so I can learn from you as well!

Cheers to the journey!


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